STRONGER YOU in Christ 1. Mind 2. Body 3. Spirit
Fitness Program with a Purpose

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Stronger Mind Healthier Body Loving Spirit Stronger YOU in Christ is published by Trilogy Christian Publishers , a subsidiary of Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN).
Be the Person God created you to Be.
1. Feed your Mind God's Word & Pray
2. Fuel your Body Good Nutrition & Exercise. Our body is God's temple. Take good care of our body. Be part of the body of Christ Community by having faith in Jesus.
3. Live a Holy Spirit led life, love one another, help someone, be active, & share the love of Jesus in your community.
Hi, I'm Polita !
I give God all the glory and for giving me an awesome husband, for being a mom of 2 amazing boys, an engineer, business consultant, author, CEO of The One Strong Foundation (OSF), certified personal trainer, certified group fitness instructor, certified pilates instructor, and a mentor. I love Jesus with all my heart, mind, body, soul, strength, and spirit. I want to share with you my passion for fitness and healthy living for over 30 years. I love helping people with their fitness and motivating them to have healthier habits in seeking God first, loving our family, and being active in our community.
Jesus is our ONE strong foundation. In John 14:6, Jesus said, "I am The Way, The Truth, The Life. No one comes to The Father except through me."
At OSF, we share the love of Jesus through being part of local church, helping people in our community, growing spiritually through daily devotional, prayer, bible studies, small groups, and living God's teachings daily.
We hope you put your faith and trust in Jesus. Our end goal is to deepen your relationship with Jesus, be more like Jesus, and to live out the fruits of the Spirit which are love, joy, peace, kindness, patience, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Focus on Jesus and Carry Out His teachings.
to learn about our fitness program with a purpose
Love God. Love People. Love Conquers All.
God is LOVE and Jesus loves You. Create a disciplined mind, a healthier body, and a loving spirit. Let Jesus transform your heart so you can be a blessing to your family and community.
Matthew 7:24 says, "Anyone who listens to my teachings and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on a solid rock. Rain comes and floodwaters rise and winds beat against that house and it won't collapse because it's built on a bedrock."
Jesus is our rock and our refuge. Everything starts with your mindset. Knowing Jesus is with you to give you the strength to get through any circumstance is enough. Deepen your relationship with Jesus by choosing Him daily in living His ways. Expand your knowledge through studying God's word, praying, and receive His blessings by doing it. Have faith and trust in our Loving God. Choose wisely, be genuine, and do everything with love. At OSF, we firmly believe that love conquers all. Carpe diem!
Fulfill Your Life's Purpose - "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11
Our fitness program teaches you to take care of your Mind, Body, and Spirit. It offers questions and action plans so you can be accountable in choosing a healthier lifestyle, building a stronger foundation in Christ, learning to be resilient in all areas of your life, growing spiritually, and successfully fulfilling your purpose in life.
- What are your long-term and short-term goals?
- What do you envision your life would be?
- What are your dreams?
- Do you know your purpose in life?
- What are your ideal daily activities?
- What are your action plans to get to the finish line?
- What is God's plan for your life?
- How does God's plan align with your dreams?
- Who do you trust?
- Do you have a relationship with Jesus?
- Who do you rely on?
- Who is your number ONE?
- Who do you choose to walk with daily?
- Whose voice do you listen to?
- Do you know who you are in Christ?
- Do you know that you are a child of God?
- Do you want Jesus to say, " Well done my good and faithful servant?"
- Is your name written in the book of life?
- Do you know you have a heavenly Father?
- Do you know what His son did on the cross for you?
- Do you know the characteristics of Jesus?
- Do you want to accept Jesus into your heart and let Him be your Savior and allow Him to transform your life, so you can be the person He created you to be?
What You Can Do ? With God, All things are possible Matthew 19:26
- Put God First and make everything Christ centered
- Feed your mind God's Word as your daily bread
- Read and study the Holy Bible in your daily devotional
- Pray all throughout the day and connect with God
- Fix your eyes on Jesus and His character
- You are forgiven through Christ.
- You have been made righteous through Christ so we can be united with the Father.
- Live by faith. Keep your faith in Jesus.
- Apply God's Word to your life & live by it
- Share God's Love, Joy, Peace, Kindness, Faithfulness, Goodness to all
- Know your identity in Christ
- Form a deep relationship with Jesus
- Jesus will be with you forever
- Know God's Word in your heart, mind, body as our weapon so we know the truth.
- Ignite the fire in you, the Holy Spirit gives us our passion in life
- Be disciplined in all areas of your life.
- Achieve your goals, vision, and dreams.
- Use wisdom in all situation.
- Finish well and fulfill your purpose.
- Accept Jesus to be the ONE strong foundation in your life
- Grow your muscles and grow spiritually.
- Feed your body good nutrition
- Form good habits and exercise daily
- Be fruitful & active in your community in helping someone
- Share the love of Jesus in your workforce & community
- Share the hope you have in Jesus
- Share the good news with others
- Remember you are a child of God , you have been adopted in His Kingdom
- Jesus already won the battle, so when you execute His plan, it is Victorious.
- Trust Him through the process to do God's will.
- Be ready & fully equipped spiritually, physicall, mentally, & intellectually
- Put on the full armor of God for protection.
The ONE Strong Foundation Fitness Programs with a Purpose Series:
Be a Blessing to others.
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Service Area: Florida